
Welcome. I’m Katherine.

This is a space where you and all of your parts are welcome. Where you do not have to pretend at anything or prove anything or obscure your wounded heart. Whatever you are feeling, or thinking, or doing in your life right now…you came by it honestly. The you that you are right at this moment was forged in the crucible of your life up to this moment. We found each other for a reason.

I have been working with energy since I was 9 years old, when I experimented with healing and meditation as a form of play. I believe that this childlike humility and playful curiosity are the key to catalyze emotion and make change.

I am trained in Compassionate Inquiry (with Gabor Maté), breathwork, Reiki, Bengston Energy Method, and psychic reading. We can co-create the ideal approach for you based on where you are in this moment.

So that you may know that you are not alone, I’d like to share a little bit about my own life, which was rife with toxic shame and developmental trauma. As a child and teen, I was high-performing, perfectionistic and exquisitely rigid. A real Golden Child. Underneath the model child was desperation and rage. Suicidal ideation and cutting, body dysmorphic disorder, substance abuse, and disordered eating were all in the mix. I recovered from all of these behaviors step by excruciatingly small step. And with the support of a number of teachers and modalities, all of which served their function in the moment. In 2013 I began my work with plant medicines, which have been the most transformational experience of my life. In 2018, I learned Bengston Energy Technique and cured myself of a debilitating illness in 3 days.

Whatever you are experiencing, I promise that you are not alone and that you are not wrong for feeling the way you feel. Freedom and peace are within reach. It is my intention and my absolute commitment to assist others who are seeking to shift their core beliefs and generate a new experience of life. Together, we can discover what is possible.